Peter Pan in Northampton is one of the most impressive, engaging and authentic pantomimes of the year.
With Darren Day’s charm, sensational moves by Flawless, hilarious comedy from the brilliant Grumbleweeds and killer vocals from West End star Rachel Wooding – you can’t go wrong with Peter Pan at the Royal & Derngate Northampton!
There’s magic for the kids via the gorgeous scenes with Peter, Wendy and Tinkerbell (all excellent), but, most importantly there’s some of the cleverest and most hysterical comedy routines from Robin & James – the magnificent Grumbleweeds. A lifetimes experience providing a comedy masterclass throughout.
Peter Pan runs until Sunday 30th December. Call the Box Office on 01604 624811.
Watch our exclusive HD TV walk down and bows video via YouTube…
Darren Day is a pro. He effortlessly drives the show as Hook.
I’m not sure this is dream casting as frankly he’s too talented, polished, handsome and charming to be a traditionally terrifying Captain H – but who cares, it’s panto not Shakespeare. His voice is still that of a West End leading man and in Act 2 he is given several opportunities to shine – and he does!
His handling of the Grumbleweed’s shenanigans is only to be admired. He has mastered the art of making it look more fun on stage than we’re having in the audience.
I was hugely impressed by Flawless. These boys add greatly to the show with some of the most polished routines I’ve seen on stage. Such energy and precision.
Rachael Wooding sings up a storm and has a northern comic timing that is incredibly rare in this part. She’s quite wonderful to watch…and most importantly to listen to.

Enjoy our HD Video review via YouTube:
Joe Sleight is a hugely energetic and captivating Peter whilst Abigail’s rollerskating Tinkerbell was a delicious addition to the show. Millie Davies has an exceptional voice as a gorgeous Wendy.
Barbara Evans’ exciting and modern staging of JM Barrie’s much-loved adventure is packed with heart, joy, schtick and shenanigans.
Steve Geere’s peppy pop score with additions of chart hits for the kids, makes it whiz along and a fantastic trip out for the entire family.
This show doesn’t have a breathtaking set but what it lacks in WOW it makes up for in talent. Arguably this is what panto should be all about! Bravo team – a perfect panto for the entire family.
Review by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 28th Dec 2018.
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