Roy Chubby Brown Exclusive Interview

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Roy Chubby Brown Exclusive Interview…..

Roy Chubby Brown is one of the richest, most successful, most popular and loved comedians of his generation.

He’s also one of the most controversial, outrageous, Non-PC and in some peoples opinion offensive!

Royston Vasey has been touring the UK for over 40 years selling out theatres weekly. He recently even appeared at Wayne Rooney’s birthday party as the Star turn booked by Coleen.

Roy Chubby Brown interview Alex Belfield Alex Belfield Roy Chubby Brown interview Chubby Brown Comedian Alex Belfield

Chubby is also a remarkable musician and as a pianist he’s second to none. His new DVD is released in November 2013.

Hear the real life story of one of Britain’s most colourful characters who makes no apologies for the offence he may cause.

Here’s Roy playing the piano Live for Alex….

Brown was born in Grangetown in the North Riding of Yorkshire. He has a sister named Barbara. He left home at the age of fourteen, spent time living rough and moved from job to job and at one point joined the Merchant Navy.

He served time in a young offenders’ institution colloquially named borstal and also prison.

He later found work as an entertainer in working men’s clubs during the 1960s, first as a drummer and later as a comedy act under the name “Alcock & Brown”.

Brown appeared on the UK television talent show New Faces in the 1970s, coming second to a country and western band. He failed the audition for another television talent show Opportunity Knocks after saying the word ‘arse’ during his interview.

Roy Chubby Brown’s new DVD ‘Who Ate All The Pies’ is out Monday 18th November 2013