2* Review Sister Act UK Tour 2017

Our Score
Review Sister Act UK Tour 2016….

This is awkward! Sister Act at the Palladium in 2009 was a 5*, feel good, joyous, decadent, spectacular, uplifting celebration & delight!

The new 2016 touring production is lazy, confused, cluttered, cheap and appallingly directed & choreographed by Strictly know it all Craig Revel Horwood.

What a shame. I’ve rarely been more disappointed & offended in my 20 year career.

I loved every second of this show in the West End and on Broadway, but not at Leicester CURVE tonight…..

With outdated, offensive & inappropriate NEW ‘gags’ including nuns being penetrated by guitars, the Pope being cast as a dummy – not to mention low rent drugs, race, sexuality & religion (Allah) gags – the audience were left mostly silent and cold.

The only saving grace is the sensational Alexandra Burke who unquestionably raised the roof and offered an electrifying performance saving this theatrical am-dram car crash with her blessed & God given voice.

2* production, 1* set, 0* new gags and a 5* wasted Star…


Sister Act Tour Review 2016 2017 Sister Act Tour Review Starring Alexandra Burke Alexandra Burke Review Sister Act Musical Tour

Here’s our EXCLUSIVE Audio review via YouTube:

Alex Burke is totally wasted in this cynical, money making insult, provided by grasping producers selling-out theatres on old reviews from a previous (incomparable) productions.

I’ve seen better lighting & sets in village hall productions. Sloppy & shocking for a tour of this scale.

Sister Act 2016 is already a sell-out success on the back of the Whoopy Goldberg legacy & London reviews, however, the lack of standing ovation tonight explains the disappointment in this pitiful excuse for a two year money-spinner.

Review Sister Act 2016 Tour 2017 Sister Act musical Review Review Sister Act

I don’t know what offended me the most, the fact the church set & organ never left the stage (even when we were in the police station, bedroom or nightclub), or the appalling script that verged on racist, homophobic and certainly blasphemous throughout.

Like London & Broadway, Sister Act The Musical does not feature any of the original music from the film which is not a problem, the score is great!

Featuring original music by the 8 time Oscar and Tony Award winner Alan Menken, Sister Act has lyrics by Glenn Slater – it’s uplifting and beautifully sung the ludicrously talented Alexandra & enthusiastic ensemble.

Having just seen Alex in The Bodyguard, (5* REVIEW) also in Leicester in 2016, it just felt like she was a cherry sitting on the top of a turd production.

Here’s Alex’s remarkable life story from our EXCLUSIVE interview:

This show bears no resemblance to the film. There’s no Reno, no chase, no warmth or charm and even the love interest (black cop) is replaced with a white fella. Curiously the bad white mobster is replaced with a black guy. Why?

With dialogue like “You’re not Catholic, not a nun, but you are a Negro?” – I wondered how a show in 2016 could have stooped so low?

This level of tawdry dialogue was certainly not in the film.

Review Sister Act 2016 Tour 2017

After the utterly offensive, crowbarred in, ‘laugh at mincy gays’ scene, I truly wish I’d have donated my £35 to a local clergyman and spent the evening on my knees in a darkened room.

Alexandra screams “Bring on my gay boys with glitter” –  Oy vey. Shameful.

In summary, the worst touring ‘mega-musical’ let down in my 15 year reviewing career.

Uploaded by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 10th August 2015.