5* REVIEW Rock Of Ages UK Tour

Our Score
REVIEW Rock Of Ages UK Tour…

Finally a musical that the guys will enjoy as much (if not more) than the gals!

Rock Of Ages ain’t for everyone! It’s loud, proud, sassy, rude, crude, unashamedly sexist and inappropriate – and I bloody loved it!

This show works on four levels. There’s a stunning cast, remarkable light & sound, a killer playlist & sensational energy throughout. What more could you ask?

Vocally there isn’t a weak link in the 2019 touring cast of ROCK OF AGES. I’ve seen this show in London, New York and Las Vegas and I’ve never been more engaged by a company.

The story is camp old nonsense, the music is brilliantly crowbarred in and the 80’s have never been celebrated more shamelessly.

This is a feelgood rock concert with superb talent, big laughs and the hottest girls in musical history!

You can see this excellent cast all this week at the Nottingham Theatre Royal. Get a ticket if you can!

GET Rock Of Ages tour dates & tickets HERE!

Enjoy our HD VIDEO REVIEW via YouTube:

This is not a huge production, the set is incredibly simply but it doesn’t matter.

The lighting is incredible – as good as it gets, the sound is beautifully mixed – the best I’ve heard since the Queen musical and the cast sell it beautifully as a piece of feelgood mindless fun.

This is just what we need. Bollocks to Brextit – lets have a laugh!!!

There isn’t a weak link in this cast. They’re all remarkable.

Huge nods to Lucas Rush who drives the show magnificently as the cheeky Lonny. Kevin Kennedy is an effortless Dennis and Luke Walsh owns the stage as a powerful and vocally exciting Drew.

Arguably Jodie Steele literally steals the entire show! What a voice, what talent – what a body! Jesus, this girl is blessed. We’re talking Moulin Rouge class! That’s what I call the triple threat! Mesmerizing.

You’ll have to buy a ticket to see why I’m 100% editorially justified in making such unreserved personal physical praise. Jodie is quite remarkable.

Star casting is via Strictly’s Kevin Clifton who exceeds expectations and delivers big-time as Jaxx. He’s hugely charismatic and truly has a brilliant rock voice. He is a rare TV star who absolutely deserves his top billing to flog tickets.

Vocally though, naturally, Zoe Birkett proves to be the epitome of a star. Sickeningly gifted. Who could compete? She doesn’t even have to try. What a gift this lady has. A joy to hear her sing.

Kudos also to Rhiannon Chesterman who is an adorably cute Regina & Andrew Carthy & Constanti who get huge laughs and offer even more camp relief.

It was thrilling to hear such a talented band rock the Theatre Royal tonight. What a joyous noise bringing 80’s anthems like ‘Don’t Stop Believing’, ‘I want to know what love is’, ‘Dead or alive’ and ‘The final countdown’ back to life!

If you liked the 1980’s – you’ll love Rock Of Ages in 2019!

This show packs a punch. I can see why left footing liberals find the ‘sexualisation’ inappropriate for 2019, however, this show has knowing irony. Just get a life and enjoy the delicious hotness of the cast!

Equally some of the script ‘pushes the boundaries’ and ‘crosses the line’ for 2019. Stop it! It’s just camp old nonsense. This is not trying to be Shakespeare, it’s comedy for the masses.

The fact the Theatre Royal Nottingham was sold out pays tribute to the appeal of this show.

Rock Of Ages has very many adult themes and there is strong language for avoidance of doubt.

Don’t miss Rock Of Ages. The atmosphere and energy is inspiring. I loved it!

Review by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 3rd April 2019.