Review Jeff Dunham Las Vegas

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Review Jeff Dunham Las Vegas……

Well this is awkward! Jeff Dunham is a 5* performer who I have adored for many years.

He’s a brilliant comedian with impeccable timing and a beautifully crafted act.

I last saw him at the Mirage on tour where he killed with his 90 minute polished, brilliant and totally unique show.

Tonight I got to enjoy his brand new show ‘Not Playing with a full deck’ concert.

The problem was – he wasn’t playing with a full script!…..

Review Jeff Dunham Las Vegas Jeff Dunham Las Vegas Review Jeff Dunham Not Playing With A Full Deck Review Las Vegas

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s EXCLUSIVE review via YouTube:

Here’s the thing, when I see a show on Broadway, in the West End or in Las Vegas ($100+ tickets) I do not expect to watch a rehearsal.

Despite Jeff’s brilliance he spent 30 minutes of tonight’s show reading a script verbatim ‘testing’ material for his upcoming HBO TV Special.

I fully get that performers have to work in new material – but in front of a sell-out 1000 people crowd in Las Vegas? With the most popular character ACHMED? Shameful!

I totally get why Achmed wants to kill him!

Also, advertising your wife’s (health and cookie) website for 5 minutes and then doing a 10 minute advert for your merchandise / puppets. Really has it come to this?

For the love of God – we love you – be amazing! It should be all killer no filler Jeff!

Vegas confuses me. It has the best talent on earth but there seems to be a contempt for audiences by some performers.

No-where else on earth could you “rehearse the HBO show” Live with a piece of paper in your hand during a headline performance – never taking your eyes off the page for nearly 30 minutes.

For that Jeff has gone from a 5* Headliner to at Planet Hollywood to an embarrassing 2* insult to the crowd!

I’ve seen so many AMAZING headlining shows this year ‘Frank The Man’, ‘Suzanne Sizzles’, ‘Donny & Marie’, ‘Criss Angel Believe’, ‘Frederic Da Silva’ & more – but this was a joke…a joke that took 35 minutes longer than it should have for his own indulgence.

The mitigation that he claimed it was “free” does not wash with me in Las Vegas.

Rehearse in your own time not mine!

Achmed Puppet Las Vegas Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham Las Vegas Review Jeff Dunham Not Playing with a ful deck

I want to love Jeff – he’s so brilliantly talented, warm and well rehearsed but tonight felt like I was at a dress rehearsal and watching him learn his show in real time.

It started at 7.15 not 7 – again why? This is Vegas!

Ok, what do I know – I’m old fashioned, English and probably lacking in irony and humour but for me, if you’re charging $100+ a ticket you have to deliver a show…..not a rehearsal of a bigger show that probably pays you more money.

That is the biggest and most offensive insult to a (huge) sell out audience.

I’m done.

Good luck Jeff – you’re a genius but tonight you missed the point of why you’re a Las Vegas Headliner!

GET TICKETS HERE to Jeff’s HBO rehearsal!


Review by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 29th May 2015.