REVIEW CATS at Kilworth House Theatre 2019

Our Score
REVIEW CATS at Kilworth House Theatre 2019…

It’s not very often I get genuinely excited to see a show, but, when invited to visit Kilworth House – this was different!

The entire evening was intoxicating from start to finish. Read our 5* KILWORTH HOUSE REVIEW HERE.

Who could imagine in 2019 that anyone would go to the time, effort and expense to put on a production as epic as CATS in someone’s back garden?

Well, just minutes of the M1 in the deepest Leicestershire countryside – they’ve done it!

And it’s a triumph! The majesty of Kilworth House equals this stunningly energetic cast and creative.

Book tickets to CATS at KILWORTH HOUSE HERE until September 8th 2019.

It’s enchanting before the show even begins. Kilworth is a British gem that offers escapism, opulence and luxury at their 5* hotel.

Seconds away you’re transported to the West End or Broadway with world class precision, lighting, sound and staging.

Watch this review @ YouTube:

The cast are as good as it gets. CATS has never been my favourite show, however, you’d have to be heartless not to be moved by this re-imagining of this sublime story.

CATS is of course somewhat mindless with only three songs on repeat, however, this show drives Andrew Lloyd Webber’s much loved classic through dance….and remarkable dance at that!

Nick Winston has become the go to guy for musicals in 2019. He just knows how to make stuff look fresh, exciting and immersive.

This production should be the benchmark for re-hashing tired & somewhat outdated frivolous shows and making them relevant, compelling and moving for current audience.

I cannot tell you how impressive the sound, light and staging is at what could be a tricky outdoor event.

The physicality of this piece is of course paramount to its success. Naturally Nick has effortlessly nailed it with mesmerizing ensemble numbers.

I didn’t expect anything less. He makes 2019 theatre look easy. He also makes 90% of UK touring theatre look tired, cheap and outdated.

As well as magical company pieces Nick also provides standout solos like Robbie McMillan who steals the stage during ‘Magical Mister Mistofelees’

Second to the movement in this production is the band, sound and lights. The 9 piece orchestra sound so rich. The lighting in Act 2, after dark, was just beautiful.

Bravo to costumes and make-up, once again both masterfully executed by an impressive team.

The use of the intimate and immersive underground set is expert. Like rats from the gutter…cats seem to arrive and disappear like a Copperfield illusion.

A show is nothing without the talent and they picked well. Incredibly well in fact.

Jeremy Secomb brings a gravitas to Old Deuteronomy whilst Emma Hatton proves a deliciously captivating but devastatingly brilliant Grizabella. God this girl can sing – world class!

The entire ensemble work tirelessly to keep this often fluffy and repetitive tale wagging.

There’s not a weak link anywhere but nods to Oliver Ormson, Beth Reif, Matthew Malthouse, Adrian Grove  & Sam Murphy who all own their moment in the spotlight.

The orchestra and sound drive this musical and the mixing could compete with any theatre on Broadway. Masterclass. Not easy outdoors. Bravo.

Sometimes shows just work and Winston has once again worked his magic to give this old cat another life  – and thank god. This gives me hope that in the right hands any show can resuscitated back into legendary status and credibility.

I won’t ever forget this magical night @ Kilworth Theatre.

Review by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 13th August 2019.