Paula Radcliffe Interview 2017

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Paula Radcliffe Interview 2017…

Paula Radcliffe was born in Cheshire, but grew up in Bedford.

After graduating from Loughborough University with a first class degree in modern languages she devoted herself fulltime to her running and is now acknowledged as one of the finest athletes of the modern era.

She holds the world record and won the London Marathon in 2002, 2003 and 2005.

In November 2004 she won the New York Marathon in breath-taking style and in 2005 she took the gold medal at the World Championships in Helsinki for the same distance.

Following warnings from NHS England that the UK could face a significant increase in flu cases this winter after a heavy flu season in Australia and New Zealand, it is important that those in clinical at-risk groups think about protecting themselves against the virus this season.

Paula talks to us about the importance of getting the flu jab as well as her life and career…


Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE interview via YouTube:

To help encourage more at-risk individuals to speak to their healthcare professional about flu vaccination, Sanofi Pasteur has teamed up with Paula Radcliffe, who despite being a world class athlete, falls into one of the pre-defined clinical ‘at-risk’ groups because she has asthma.

Just over half (51.4%) of those in at-risk groups did not get vaccinated against the flu virus in 2016/20171, although vaccination is offered to them free of charge as part of the national immunisation programm

Interview by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 10th October 2017.