Kitty Brucknell Exclusive 2014 Interview X-Factor New Album

Enjoy Celebrity Radio Kitty Brucknell Exclusive Interview X-Factor, New Album 2014……..

Mention “Kitty” to anyone, and they will instantly know you are talking about. Kitty Brucknell became a household name in a few short months rising to fame in 2011 when she became a finalist on the eighth season of ‘The X Factor’ in the UK.

Kitty captivated audiences with her outstanding theatrical performances, setting a new standard in scale and quality of production, and setting a precedent for all others to follow.

Kitty has always enjoyed singing and performing from an early age, studying the violin and piano and touring internationally since she was 16. She has built up a devoted and strong fan-base to rival many established artists and is ready to take on the world in 2014.

Brucknell’s debut album was launched in May 2014 via Pledge Music with a limited “pledgers only” release set for 30 October 2014. Her new single ‘Glitter In The Sky’ in Sept via her website

Kitty Bracknell Alex Belfield x-factor interview Kitty Bracknell Life Story Interview Kitty X-Factor Life Story Interview

Enjoy an Exclusive interview with Alex Belfield with Kitty from September 2014:

Since being on the show, she has been utilising her time in between live gigs to write enough material “for two albums at least!” and she has gained huge public and celebrity support, including Lady Gaga, Brian May, Kylie Minogue and many more, going from strength to strength, selling out shows across the country.

Her style can be described as Britney Spears meets Muse meets “every dance record you’ve ever listened to”, and has a strong and loyal fan-base who call themselves “Kitty’s Divas”.

Kitty is much more than just a performer. She writes and co-produces many of her songs, as well as having full input on her live shows, from designing video visuals, choreography, costumes, and live remixes.

Kitty has been performing throughout the UK, Europe and even as far as China, giving all fans a chance to see her perform live, and increasing her online fan-base to over 150,000 followers.

Recorded by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 25th September 2014.