Katie Price Interview – Harvey / IVF Treatment Exclusive

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Katie Price Interview – Harvey / IVF Treatment Exclusive…..

Katie Price / Jordan is one of the most famous, rich, powerful and entertaining celebrities in showbiz.

She comes back fighting no matter how tough the battle. From having a disabled son Harvey, to 4 husbands – her life busy!

Katie adores horses, pink and her kids Harvey, Princess & Junior. We’ve all seen her life change and family grow through her many TV shows.

Katie Price Jordan BBC Interview and life story stories junior princess peter andre with Alex Belfield at celebrityradio.alexbelfield.com 2 Katie Price Jordan BBC Interview and life story stories junior princess peter andre with Alex Belfield at celebrityradio.alexbelfield.com 3 Katie Price Jordan BBC Interview and life story stories junior princess peter andre with Alex Belfield at celebrityradio.alexbelfield.com

Jordan is a multi-millionaire having released endless books, performs and clothes. She even has a line of horse accessories.

From affairs with Gareth Gates to dominating the front pages – she’s done it all.

She’s always honest, always frank and the perfect guest! Alex LOVES to talk to Katie – there’s always fireworks.

Here’s their chat from 2012 @ BBC London Studios….

Recorded 2012

Alex Belifeld & Katie Price BBC Interview & Life Story