Katherine Jenkins Wedding Exclusive Life Story Interview

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Katherine Jenkins Wedding Exclusive Life Story Interview…..

Katherine Jenkins is one of the worlds most beautiful and talented performers EVER!

She’s also one of Belfield’s favourite people and Celebrity Radio wish her every happiness with her marriage to Andrew Levitas.

The wedding takes place on Saturday 27th September 2014.

Belfield and Jenkins met up at the BBC for an exclusive 30 minute interview to talk about her incredible international success.

Hear Katherine’s life story from childhood in Wales, losing her father to becoming one of the worlds most popular voices.

Katherine Jenkins Andrew Levitas Wedding Life Story Interview Alex BelfieldKatherine Jenkins OBE to marry Andrew Levitas interview life stories Alex belfield at celebrityradio.alexbelfield.com Katherine Jenkins Celebrity Radio Alex Belfield Interview

Enjoy Katherine’s Exclusive 30 minute interview with Alex Belfield @ Celebrityradio……

In May 2013 Ms. Jenkins confirmed that after 3 years she was ending her contract with her current record company.

She also signed to Classic FM to present her own radio show on Sunday evenings.

Enjoy a chat with the gal from Wales and now top turn on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ in the States.

Katherine Jenkins Alex Belfield 2014 Interview

Search ‘Jenkins’ in the top right hand corner for Belfield’s other interviews with Katherine.

Checkout Belfield’s other interviews with Katherine by searching ‘Jenkins’ in the top right hand corner.

Recorded 2011 by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio and the BBC.