John Myers Radio Life Story Interview

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s John Myers Radio Life Story Interview…

John Myers was Alex’s first radio boss. Not only is John a remarkable & unique radio presenter, he’s also one of the biggest powerhouses in UK media history.

He’s a huge personality, brilliant on air and clearly a remarkable businessman having made millions creating, building and ultimately selling radio networks and brands.

Myers most famously created the Century brand and was on the board of Guardian Media Group. He’s overseen multi-million pound deals and brought ‘personality’ back to radio.

John has consulted for the government & the BBC and has become the most respected voice in commercial radio.

In 2018 it was announced John is battling cancer.

Follow John at Myers Media HERE!


Enjoy our exclusive 40 minute interview with Alex & the big man…

John has 9 siblings and from humble beginnings became one of the richest entrepreneurs in British media.

He left school with no qualifications and quickly proved that with big talent, huge personality and incredible tenacity you can revolutionise an entire industry and compete with the best.

Myers was awarded the most new licenses in British Radio by the regulator from which he developed brands like Century, Smooth, Real & Rock Radio.

John released his a new book celebrating his remarkable life and career in 2012 with all proceeds to charity. You can buy ‘Team – It’s Only Radio’.

Myers has already achieved greatness and is at the top of his game, however, something tells me he’s not finished yet.

Hear a rare and exclusive 40 minute interview with ‘The Bigman’ of Radio.