FANTASY Luxor Las Vegas Exclusive Interview

Celebrating 14 successful years on The Strip, FANTASY at Luxor Hotel And Casino was named “Best Showgirls” in the Las Vegas Review-Journal 2012 “Best of Las Vegas” poll and has shaped itself into one of Las Vegas’ leading topless shows.

Dynamic lead singer Jaime Lynch adds an edge to this show that others don’t have. The Live music and choice of songs are exciting and add an unforgettable element to the show.

Her powerhouse vocals take centre-stage alongside a talented cast of beautiful dancers and performers.

These girls have dedicated their lives to dance and performance. They’re all at the top of their game….

Singer at Fantasy Luxor Las Vegas Review 2014 fantasy las vegas review and interview 2014 3 Fantasy Callendar Topless Review at Luxor Las Vegas

Enjoy an Exclusive interview with Alex Belfield and Tracey and Izzy…..

There’s no doubt that this cast is hot. Smoking hot. They’re mostly trained dancers and are at the peak of their fitness and abilities.

Great for singles and couples alike, the sexy production showcases 15 high-energy numbers set to a variety of today’s top music genres which I’m told changes weekly to keep current.

While the gorgeous dancers lure guests into their wildest fantasies, comic relief Sean E. Cooper keeps audiences on its toes with his spot-on impressions of some of pop culture’s most recognizable personalities.

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Rewview by Alex Belfield at Celebrity Radio Recorded 21st May 2014.