El Portal Restaurant – Alicante

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s El Portal Restaurant – Alicante……

El Portal is located right in the centre of Alicante and just moments from the beach.

This restaurant claims to be home to be a ‘taberna gastronomica’ – it is!

Chef Sergio Sierra has beautifully crafted a modern, exciting and perfectly executed menu.

The room is very ‘spanish’ – relaxed, informal but still has an understated elegance and beautifully designed bar. This restaurant also has a wide ranging wine selection.


To begin, I was offered an anchovy on Russian salad and a crunchy bread stick. It was truly delicious and you could taste how fresh all of the ingredients were.

Next I was thrilled to sample Chef’s dry aged tuna and hake. Very salty & tasty. Something new & fun!

Next I was offered the most tender and delicious pork in tomato sauce that I have ever tasted.

The following dish made me nervous, the idea of ‘herring & guacamole’ did not fill me with joy, yet, after two mouthfuls I couldn’t have been more thrilled to try it. It’s not to everyone’s taste but I beg of you to be daring in this restaurant, you’ll be very happily surprised:


The two highlights at this meal were the incredibly tender pork (above) with tomato sauce and the gorgeous crispy ducks leg (below).

I insist you try these, you won’t have tasted anything like it….

Finally Chef Sergio offered his truffle with a ’60 Degrees’ boiled egg on top. Again, something totally different for the British palate and incredibly moreish.

Don’t miss the cheese dessert. Just beautiful as expected.

This restaurant could easily succeed in London, Paris or New York. It’s very original but not ridiculous and stays true to Spanish cuisine.

Bravo Chef Sierra!


Review 12/4/2013