Decorating Your Kids Bedroom with Dr Sam Wass Interview

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Decorating Your Kids Bedroom with Dr  Sam Wass Interview….

All parents know the headache that comes from attempting to get your  child to go to their room when requested and do their homework. But what if you could get them to happily do it voluntarily without any fuss?

Seems like the ultimate dream right? Well what if it was as simple as  letting them make the decisions when it comes to decorating.

New research commissioned by leading paint brand Dulux found an overwhelming majority of kids (92%) admitted they would happily spend more time playing in their room and doing their homework if they have a say in how it’s decorated.

The study of 2,000 parents and their children revealed that children found decorating with their parents to be a really positive experience, with 65 per cent saying they felt happy and 58% excited at the prospect of helping mum and dad.

Joining me now to discuss this further and reveal how and why you should get your child involved in the decorating process is expert Developmental Psychologist & expert on Channel 4’s ‘The Secret Life Of 4, 5 and 6 Year Olds’, Dr. Sam Wass.

Find out more at Dulux HERE!

Decorating Your Kids Bedroom with Dr Sam Wass Interview Decorating Kids Bedrooms (4) Decorating Kids Bedrooms (3)

Here’s Alex talking to Dr. Sam about decorating kids bedrooms:

A whopping number of the children surveyed valued being part of the decorating process so much that they, claimed it was the second most important thing they had ever done – even more important to them than their first day at school or losing their first tooth.

Parents who had already given the decorating reins over to their child commented that decorating together helped to increase their child’s sense of ownership, pride and opportunity for creative expression.

Some parents said it even ensured rooms were tidier, because they wanted to show it off to their friends and family.

Surprisingly, however, whilst an indisputable 92% of parents believe that decorating their child’s room is important, the study found that only a quarter of parents actually consulted their kids or involved them in the process.

Most attributed this to time pressures, saying it would be quicker to make decisions themselves, while two thirds admitted they preferred to match the bedroom to the style of the rest of their house and according to their own personal tastes, rather than the preferences of their child.

Interview recorded 23rd March 2016 by Alex Belfield at Celebrity Radio.