Dantanio MJ Interview 2018

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Dantanio MJ Interview 2018 Tour

Born and raised in the Northern Cape Kimberley region of South Africa,  Dantanio’s musical family and  gospel upbringing undoubtedly influenced him at a young age and set him on a steady path to becoming the accomplished impersonator and performer he is today.

Singing and dancing from the age of nine, Dantanio accrued a vast array of performance experience through his teens and early adulthood, trying his hand at school bands, theatre, cabaret work, corporate entertainment, composing hit songs for contemporary Pop artists and even producing his own solo albums.

But in 2014 when the coveted part of Michael Jackson opened up in one of the worlds biggest MJ stage productions it was a dream role for Dantanio in more ways than one. As  well as allowing him to exercise his music, dance and theatrical skills, this part spoke to him on a personal level.

Dantanio now tours the world as a leading MJ impersonator in The Michael Jackson History Show.


Enjoy an exclusive interview with Dantanio & Alex via YouTube:

Dantanio’s fascination and connection with Jackson began as a small boy when he was introduced to the King of Pop through his older brother who brought home a copy of Thriller
on cassette in 1989.

The album had a sound and feel that Dantanio (indeed the world) had never heard before and with his acute musical mind, even at the age of eight, he soon became fixated, stealing his brother’s cassette any time he was gone from the house to play it on repeat and teach himself the now-famous choreography.

It was when he played the tape to exhaustion and broke it that he was found out and consequently forced by his brother to show-off the results of his practice with a performance of Billie Jean.

But instead of the jumble of awkwardness that was expected, Dantanio surprised his family with a shockingly astute imitation of the famous song and dance…his talent for impersonation was already evident.

In his teen years Dantanio’s obsessive dance practice continued as he taught himself to emulate every detail of the Pop stars trademark dance style. So good was his imitation that it resulted in his disqualification from an amateur dance competition at age 16 because he was
thought to be a professional dancer.

Interview recorded by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 5th April 2018.