Comedian Mark Thomas Life Story Interview

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Comedian Mark Thomas Life Story Interview……

Mark Thomas is an English comedian, presenter, political activist and reporter from south London.

He first became known as a guest comic on the BBC Radio 1 comedy show The Mary Whitehouse Experience in the late 1980s.

He’s an incredible comedian who makes a point! No nonsense stand-up.

Comedian Mark Thomas Interview Interview Mark Thomas Comedian Mark Thomas Life Story Interview

Enjoy the first Exclusive interview with Alex Belfield and Mark recorded at the BBC….

Search ‘Thomas’ for Belfield’s other interviews with Mark.

Mark Thomas Alex Belfield Interview

In 2008, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bradford, for services to peace and for his work as a comedian, political activist, presenter and investigative journalist, especially for his effective campaigning on the ethics of the arms trade.

The university has a long-standing Department of Peace Studies.

In 2009, Thomas launched the Huddersfield Policy postcard campaign, petitioning the Queen with protests against the prospect of a state funeral for Margaret Thatcher.

For his ‘It’s The Stupid Economy’ UK tour in 2009, Mark played 55 shows over 14 weeks (between March and end July) and encouraged each audience to come up with their own policies (silly or serious) that would somehow make their lives better, forming a “People’s Manifesto”.

Each audience then got to vote on their favourite policy of that evening and the winning suggestion then formed part of his manifesto which he will then campaign for and attempt to actually make at least some of the suggestions become reality.

In April 2010, Thomas was awarded £1200 compensation for a search carried out by police in 2007. He had been unlawfully subject to a stop-and-search without adequate cause, after speaking at an anti-arms rally.

During 2010 Thomas decided to go rambling in the Middle East and walked the entire length of the Israeli Separation Barrier, crossing between the Israeli and the Palestinian side. His touring show entitled “Walking The Wall” (2011) and his book Extreme Rambling recounted the story.

Exclusive interview by Alex Belfield at Celebrity Radio