Cliff Richard To Sue BBC Interview & Friends Support

Hear Celebrity Radio’s EXCLUSIVE interview Cliff Richard To Sue BBC Interview & Friends Support….

The Mail on Sunday report on Sunday 23rd November 2014 that Sir Cliff Richard is planning to sue the BBC over their appalling handing of South Yorkshire Police investigation into ‘historic crimes’.

As well as agreeing to a pre-arranged press event with helicopters and reporters at his home during the police raid, and an untrue accusation that he’d been arrested on national BBC Radio – the BBC couldn’t have handled this more inappropriately.

Richard’s lawyer claims the BBC caused the entertainer ‘immeasurable harm’.

Cliff Richard Suing South Yorkshire Police And BBC Cliff Richard Suing BBC Cliff Richard BBC Review & Interview with Alex Belfield @

Hear the BBC Balls-up from BBC claiming Cliff had been wrongly “arrested” (and the lame apology) followed by Cliff discussing his torment of media intrusion as well as friends Cilla, Jimmy Tarbuck and Daniel O’Donnell showing their huge support….

Here’s Cliff’s thoughts on the continued invasion of his privacy:

Here’s Cilla:

Here’s Jimmy Tarbuck:

Here’s Daniel O’Donnell:

The Mail On Sunday Report:

Sir Cliff Richard is preparing to sue the BBC over its controversial live TV coverage of the police raid on his home.

The singer will seek damages for breach of privacy if, as he expects, he is not charged over an allegation of historic sexual abuse.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Sir Cliff is also considering legal action against South Yorkshire Police. The force struck a deal with the Corporation to film the swoop on his £3 million penthouse.

In August the BBC faced an avalanche of criticism from leading lawyers, celebrities and politicians after it dispatched a helicopter to hover over the Berkshire property and stationed reporters at its gates before police had even arrived.

Cameramen in the air were able to zoom in on officers through the windows as they searched through belongings. Sir Cliff, who vigorously denies any wrongdoing and has not been arrested, was in Portugal at the time.

‘No citizen should have to watch on live television their home being raided in this way,’ concluded a blistering Home Affairs Select Committee report.

Sir Cliff’s lawyer Gideon Benaim denounced the ‘premature and disproportionate’ reporting which caused the veteran entertainment ‘immeasurable harm’.

Article uploaded by Alex Belfield 23rd November 2014 for Celebrity Radio.