BBC September 11th BBC Documentary – NYC 9/11 ~ Ground Zero

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s BBC September 11th BBC Documentary…..

In 2001 Alex Belfield visited lower Manhattan a week after the September 11th terrorist attacks at the Twin Towers to hear the real life stories of New Yorkers following the collapse of the World Trade Centre’s 1 & 2.

On 11/9/2011 nearly 3,000 victims, and the 19 hijackers, died in the attacks across America.

In this exclusive 60 minute documentary, Alex talks to the Duchess of York who was due in the Twin Towers at the time of the attack but was delayed by a television interview.

Belfield also talks to Ricki Lake who even 6 months after the tragedy had not recovered from seeing the entire disaster happen first hand from her lower Manhattan apartment window.

Belfield speaks to firemen, policemen, Broadway Stars, relatives of the dead and New York’s greatest ambassador ‘The Gabby Cabby’ on this British syndicated documentary from 2002.

The programme was broadcast to 25 radio stations in the UK and was singlehandedly presented, recorded, directed and produced by Alex Belfield from Celebrity Radio Productions.

September 11th Documentary Alex Belfield BBC (1) September 11th Documentary Alex Belfield BBC (3) September 11th Documentary Alex Belfield BBC (4)

Here is this full 60 minute moving BBC radio documentary from Ground Zero:

‘How New York Recovered’ was produced for the BBC and Commercial Radio in the UK.

In 2013 the new building replacing the World Trade Centre towers one and two was completed at Ground Zero. The ”World Trade Centre One’ will be America’s tallest building when opened.

The space where the Twin Towers stood is now a memorial to victims of America’s worst terrorist attack.

September 11th Documentary Alex Belfield BBC (2) September 11th Documentary Alex Belfield BBC (6) September 11th Documentary Alex Belfield BBC (5)

Here’s the individual interviews from this 9/11 documentary:

1) The Duchess of York – Sarah Ferguson gave an incredibly moving insight into what happened that day.

She was due in the Twin Towers for a meeting about her charity ‘Chances For Children’:

2) Alex Belfield spoke to visitors at Ground Zero including those involved on that tragic day:

3) Ricki Lake is one of the worlds most loved chat show hosts, but on 9/11 her life changed forever:

4) John Norris from MTV talks to Belfield about the impact on young people around the world:

5) Alex Belfield spoke to visitors at Ground Zero including firemen & policemen involved on that tragic day:

6) The Gabby Cabby, a true New York Character talks about the resilience of NYC:

7) Derek Smith was hugely moved and affected by the tragedy whilst Starring in Disney’s The Lion King on Broadway:

Recorded 2001 by Alex Belfield for the BBC and Celebrity Radio.