2015 UK Tour I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue Review

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s 2015 UK Tour I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue Review….

BBC Radio 4’s premier quiz ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue’ is back on the road through 2015.

This brilliant panel show is riddled with innuendo, double-entendre and non-stop gags.

With Stars Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Barry Cryer, Jeremy Hardy and host Jack Dee – this is evergreen ratings hit.

I caught the Live tour in Nottingham at the 2800 seater Royal Concert Hall. I cannot remember the last time I was in a theatre anywhere in the country that was literally ‘sold out’.

There wasn’t a single spare seat available in the house! That is the ultimate tribute to this phenomenal formats success!

BBC Save Sexist Samantha I'm Sorry I Havent A Clue Jack Dee Quits BBC Radio 4 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue over Samantha BBC Save Sexist Samantha I'm Sorry I Havent A Clue

Enjoy an Exclusive review followed by a 40 minute documentary of interviews recorded for the BBC and Celebrity Radio by Alex Belfield with the entire SIHAC cast….

Produced by radio genius Jon Naismith, this show has heart, fun and isn’t scared of pushing boundaries.

It’s not trying to be ‘cool’ or ‘modern’ – it’s none stop word play fun from start to finish and the entire audience just LOVE IT!

Outsiders probably wouldn’t ‘get it’, there’s a ton of in-gags and segments that deliberately don’t make sense. It laughs in the face of ‘proper’ quiz shows that take themselves awfully seriously.

Never mind the left footing humourless dopes that claim the real Star of the show, Samantha, is ridiculed and therefore sexist – rubbish! She gets some of the biggest titters during the entire performance!

Jack Dee is a perfect host. Underplaying each line allowing the audience to decide for themselves.

What I love most about this show is it the antidote to Show Business let alone quiz shows. It’s effortless.

To fill a huge theatre with 5 mics, 5 comics and a piano is remarkable. I love that they pull it off with such ease.

Collin Sell on the piano is a brilliant fall guy who brings musical comic relief throughout.

Considering the cast are not teens, the energy throughout is inspiring. Unfortunately Graham was ill for my performance but the brilliant Tony Hawks filled in seamlessly.

5* for Sorry I Haven’t A Clue the UK Tour 2015.

Review by Alex Belfield at Celebrity Radio recorded Feb 2015.