Annie The Musical On Broadway ~ Katie Finneran Interview

Our Score
Annie The Musical On Broadway ~ Katie Finneran Interview…..

Annie on Broadway @ The Palace Theatre has taken this classic musical to the next level. It’s beautifully staged and perfectly produced.

The show stays true to the original story but visually brings the show back to life for 2013. The cast are all brlliantly cast.

Lilla Crawford Stars as Annie, Anthony Warlow is brilliant as Warbucks and the divine Katie Finneran steals the show as Miss Hannigan.


Enjoy this Exclusive interview with Katie & Alex @ ‘Annie’ On Broadway.

Katie is the top leading lady who has Starred on Stage, Film & TV. She’s been in ‘Promises Promises’  & ‘Noises Off’ on Broadway, Starred in the West End and appeared on Frasier on TV. She’s even appeared in ‘You’ve Got Mail’ & ‘Bewitched’ on the Big Screen.

KF truly has a magnetic personality, a stunning on stage presence, powerful voice and a very naughty sense of humour – she got on amazingly with Belfield!

Finneran really embraces the ‘dark side’ of Miss Hannigan, after all she was manipulative, unloving & vile. Katie plays her the humour & sarcasm beautifully. You LOVE to hate Miss Hannigan in this production.

Katie Finneran is one of Belfield’s favourite guests EVER on Broadway – A true Star with a fabulous sense of humour!

Review Jan 2013 by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio