Alex Belfield Radio Fail Bloopers

njoy Celebrity Radio’s Alex Belfield Radio Fail Bloopers…..

After more than 15 years on the air sometime things go wrong – Bellers is no exception!

Here’s some of Belfield’s highlights / low-lights from a life on the air….

Alex Belfield Contact Alex Belfield Profile 2016 Alex Belfield CV BBC Radio Demo Showreel Live

For example….

Here’s John Cleese telling Belfield F@CK YOU!….

Here’s Kerry Katona’s car crash interview with Alex during one of her ‘drugs days’ – listen and cringe….

Alex proves that no matter how bonkers a politician, you have to try and educate them…..

Sometimes Alex attracts the most dopy listeners, here’s the best……

Alex thinks he’s funny – not everyone agrees….

Belfield often gets into a row on air. Here’s a caller that went from bad to worse and ended up getting cut off….

Here’s the X-Rated bloopers from Belfield’s career – do not listen if easily offended…..

Here’s Belfield’s least favourite celebrity interview ever – Dope Dom Jolly proving how not to do an interview….

When a sex phone-in gets out of control….

Trust Alex to be caught in the Egyptian Uprising in 2012 – Ultimate Radio Fail?……

Alex Belfield is an Entertainer and Broadcaster from Nottingham who has worked for over 80 radio stations in the UK and several around the world.

Alex celebrates 20 years in entertainment in 2014 having performed around the world including warm-up for ITV.

His website Celebrity Radio attracted over 7.4 million minutes viewed via YouTube last year.

Belfield has travelled the world to interview Stars including Dame Edna, Donny Osmond, Andrea Bocelli, Jerry Springer, Ozzy & Sharon, The Duchess Of York & 100’s more.

He is currently a freelance journalist with stories published in the Mail On Sunday, Sun On Sunday, Sunday Mirror, Sunday Express Daily Star, Sun and People.

Find out more at