4* REVIEW David Blaine 2019 TOUR

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s REVIEW David Blaine 2019 TOUR…

I’m always curious when a HUGE arena tour has ZERO reviews despite endless months of publicity.

Being a gentleman, I asked the promoter for a ticket to see David Blaine and I was told “the allocation is full”. Unlike all other spineless critics these days I’m happy to pay…and therefore don’t owe anyone any favours.

David Blaine is not a magician. David is not a comedian. David is certainly not an illusionist. David doesn’t wear make-up, do his hair or put on a flashy suit. He walks out to almost 3000 people with zero energy and begins his show as if he’s chatting in the kitchen to friends.

I can’t believe I’m writing this, but, I found this anti-confidence & comfortability / contempt refreshingly enticing. Blaine has mastered the art of underselling everything – you’ll either like it or leave – and he seemingly couldn’t care less either way. Enchanting!

He clearly cares and works tirelessly to be not only relevant and current but also ‘local’ and present for every performance. His ‘jigsaw trick’ may well be a magic principle piece, but, to make it unique for each town is quite brilliant! Huge kudos for this effort that most would view as unnecessary.

I found Blaine’s serenity utterly charming. Despite his media enigma nonsense, he’s clearly a sensationally talented, disciplined, dedicated and passionate under-performer. He’s smart and gifted.

David Blaine is a 5* ‘spec act’ – a vaudeville turn who is totally content in his own bizarre world.

Despite having the personality and showbiz energy of a root vegetable, he takes more risks (genuine risks) than ANY other magician I’ve ever seen. His stunts are insane and NOT magic – ridiculously real!

Whilst most pretend to be in controlled danger – he genuinely is. Yet makes the least fuss and draws little attention to his physical endurance. This is intoxicating for an audience. At times this is a freak show worthy of The Greatest Showman. You can feel that circus has influenced his act tremendously.

Is he ‘Magic or Real’? No, just a brilliant anti-entertainer who captivates through disinterest – despite breathtaking and at times mindless danger!



Enjoy our HD VIDEO Review via YouTube:

I’ve made it clear over recent years that I believe Criss Angel has the best magic show in the world, probably in history. I still believe that. He’s a 2019 magicians magician – unparalleled how he sells his craft with such precision, spectacle and energy.

You could argue Criss and David are the two most relevant, contemporary & brilliant magicians of their generation and for today globally….yet they couldn’t be more different!

Whilst Criss is SOOOO cool and gives 100% – David appears not to give a fuck. Whilst Criss has more lights than Cirque Du Soleil’s 8 productions in Vegas, David turns up with a pin focus operator and a 4K screen.

Whilst Criss has the most amazing, polished and brilliant illusions in magic history – Blaine could fit 90% of his show into his briefcase.

David isn’t a traditional magician or illusionist – and nor is he trying to be. That’s not to say he’s not a skilled performer – he is! At times he was stunning tonight. There’s no question it’s a unique and possibly unparelleled spec act.

In the last month I’ve endured the appalling lacklustre shambles of Copperfield and the inane ramblings of Penn (and Teller) – two of the most heralded magicians in the world. Quite appalling and in total contempt of their art and their legacy. I guess years in Sin City has this effect on your creative soul.

Meanwhile Blaine is fresh, new, invigorating, exciting and ludicrously brilliant at times. Act 1 is perfection.

The most compelling parts of Blaine’s (almost 90 minute) first half is the mind-blowing risks he takes purely for entertainment purposes only. I won’t give away his act but it’s at times gruesome and shocking unlike any mainstream magician in 2019. These are not tricks, more self mutilation.

Whilst most are still pretending to chop ladies in half and putting newspapers back together, Blaine is self-flagellating to his adoring congregation – literally! This is 50% entertainment, 50% insanity!

Blaine is a 5* act, his ‘tricks’ are brilliant. His card stuff is amazing. Act 1 is 5* for sure. However…

Why book a 16,000 seater arena and then only use a corner of it for less than 3000 people? This show would have been beautiful in a stunning theatre and so much more powerful! This isn’t an arena show. It’s an intimate evening with a magical God.

Also, Act 2 is a car crash theatrically. To spend half an hour watching the ‘water torture’ Live from prep to removal, is just pointless….no matter how technically fantastic it is. Furthermore, his 20 minute awkward recovery was just sloppy and some of the dopiest waste of an audiences time I’ve witnessed.

This resulted in a brilliant show & night fizzling out to a mad dash to the loos. Such a shame. It’s almost as if his contempt for the ‘art’ sabotaged his well deserved standing ovation.

David Blaine is ridiculously talented. He’s willing to push the art beyond my comprehension.

I’m so thrilled I got to finally see him live. What a remarkable performer.

Don’t miss David Blaine Live. He’s one of the few keeping the art alive. Bravo.

Review by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 15th June 2019.