Nathan Schulhof Interview

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Nathan Schulhof Interview

Nathan Schulhof is a technology industry entrepreneur with a career that spans over three decades.

Schulhof is listed as the lead inventor on three U.S. patents.

Most famously he ran Audio Highway Media Corporation and created the ‘Listen Up Player’, the father of the MP3 player, won an Innovation Award from the Consumer Electronics Show in 1997 and a 1998 People’s Choice Award at the 2nd annual Internet Showcase conference.

He has become known as the father of the MP3 player.

Find out more about NATHAN HERE!


Enjoy an exclusive interview with Nathan and Alex via YouTube:

Nathan Schulhof is a visionary innovator who is changing people and cultures around the world. Among other things, Nathan invented, patented and introduced the first MP3 player integrated with an online audio content Web site,

Making a difference in people, cultures and companies is Nathan’s passion. And for Nathan, passion is an active tense inspiration, and commitment, fun and knowledge are the results of his passion that Nathan shares with his audiences.

Thought, Reality and Action are what your people, culture and group get from Nathan’s articles, and speaking engagements. Among other things over the years Nathan has taught people to stop smoking; he was the first 3rd party developer on the Apple computer he was the first to bundle software in magazines; he has taken three companies public and; he survived a near death experience. Throughout it all, his innate passion for making a difference drove him to re-learn what he now shares with his audiences.

Nathan is widely regarded as the “Father of the MP3 industry” and one of the leading entrepreneurs of the Internet age. He has been a regular guest on such television shows as Good Morning America, Entertainment Tonight, Your World with Neil Cavuto, and CNBC’s Squawk Box. He speaks several times per month at professional events related to high technology, business innovation and the music industry, both in the U.S. and around the world