Dr Pam Spurr Interview £1 SEX TOYS

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Dr Pam Spurr Interview £1 SEX TOYS…

It’s often thought that Brits are prudish when discussing their sex lives, but according to sex and behaviour expert Dr Pam Spurr this is far from the truth!

A new poll reveals that Brits shop for sex toys every month.

Despite this the stigma surrounding sexual pleasure remains, leaving many Brits feeling too embarrassed to voice their desires.

To help combat this, Poundland are releasing a new £1 sex toy range with the aim of desensitising the subject and giving our sex lives more freedom and accessibility.

The collection will be presented in sleek and discreet packaging to help Brits overcome the awkwardness many feel when purchasing such items.

Find out more about Dr Pam HERE! Visit Poundland HERE!


Enjoy an exclusive interview with Pam & Alex via YouTube:

Dr. Pam is the UKs leading agony aunt. She works as a self help expert, life and solutions coach, commentator and writer on sex, relationships, and behaviour and agony aunt.

Her website offers advice on sex, love & relationships, parenting, life coaching, and others.

Shell even answer every e-mail but as I run my site without assistance and work full-time sadly I can’t.

In my work as an agony aunt, solutions coach and writer I’ve written 15 self-help books, my latest are Sex Academy, How to be a Happy Human, The Emotional Eater’s Diet andThe Laws Of Sisterhood.

Interview recorded by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 22nd September 2017.