Dr Pixie McKenna Interview 2016 Embarrassing Bodies

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Dr Pixie McKenna Interview 2016 Embarrassing Bodies….

Best known for her role in Channel 4’s primetime, BAFTA-winning medical series ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ and ‘Embarrassing Bodies Live’ Dr Pixie McKenna is unshockable.

Pixie also presented ‘Health Freakes’ on Channel Four where she put bizarre home remedies to the test.As well these major flagship shows, Pixie has had appearances on a variety of other programmes as wide ranging as Celebrity Mastermind to This Morning.

Pixie is a practicing GP at London’s Harley Street, in 1999 she obtained her certificate in
general practice training and membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

She regularly attends and hosts Media Medic Events in London. Having studied speech and drama from the age of five, she is an accomplished speaker on a variety of medical topics, with sexual health, dermatology, women’s health and health promotion being her specific interests.

Pixie is now encouraging people to become more healthy via #TeamMe.

Find out more HERE!

Embarrassing Bodies Channel 4 Doctor Pixie McKenna Dr Pixie Interview Embarrassing Bodies Dr Pixie Interview

Here’s Pixie and Alex Belfield in conversation:

With all eyes on sport this summer, it’s a time when Brits will be set to  support and be inspired by the UK’s sporting heroes’ achievements on the world stage, but it’s also the year that, according to recent statistics from the ONS, the people of Britain have become increasingly dissatisfied with their health.

Released to mark World Health Day, new research by Superdrug shows that 89% of Brits want to improve their health, but more than two thirds  (74%) have not sought help, advice or treatment and those that have, have waited (on average) an astonishing 25 months before tackling their personal health concern.

So, in a bid to help the nation improve their health in summer 2016 and beyond, #TeamMe as been launched – a Health & Wellbeing revolution  taking place across the UK to help and inspire every Briton who wants to make a positive change, to take action. Whether that’s losing weight, quitting smoking or getting their blood pressure under control,
Superdrug is providing the nation with the impetus, inspiration and expertise to get them there.

Interview recorded 7th April 2016 by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio.