Review Jake Yapp One-Derland

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s Review Jake Yapp One-Derland….

Jake Yapp is one of the UK’s most creative, hard working and clever comedians.

He’s mastered the art of poking fun at shows and presenters with his brilliantly observed summaries of their idiosyncrasies.

Most famously he appears on ‘Charlie Broker’s Weekly Wipe’ on BBC 2.

Yapp enjoys a hugely successful career on radio, TV and as a voice over having worked on Dave, BBC 6, Countdown and even Newsnight amongst many others.

In August 2015 he’s back with his brother Joe in a new show called ‘One-Derland’ at the Camden Festival for a 60 minute expose of the BBC, it’s politics and dopey daytime line-up.

There is no doubting that Jake is a genius. Musically he is a triumph, lyrically he is superb and his delivery has tremendous gusto.

Confusingly though, after 59 minutes of mercilessly mocking & ridiculing our national broadcaster, he begs for forgiveness and asks us to save the BBC – totally incongruous to his entire show…..

Jake Yapp Dora Dale Jake Yapp Review Onederland 2015 Jake Yapp Review 2015

The problem is, you can’t insinuate that the BBC is effectively corrupt – not to mention filled with talentless bland dopes – and then beg the audience to keep paying their 40p a day because it’s an institution that we cannot afford….to lose.

As hysterical as his parodies may be, they are born out of a reality – that’s why they’re so funny.

Joe Yapp does a great job bringing his characters to life. The Dimbleby ‘Question Time’ bit is inspired and the highlight of the show.

Sadly though, probably deliberately, Joe is overshadowed by his younger brothers charisma, stage presence & performance.

Jake Yapp Review 2015 BBC Onederland Martin Kelner Jake Yapp Jake Yapp BBC

Jake started out in Radio. In fact I worked with him nearly 20 years ago in Nottingham. He was a maverick and a unique creative even back then.

Despite being slightly more palatial around the mid-area, he’s still exactly the same bubbly character that he always was. His huge success is very much deserved.

Yapp works with legend of the up north, Martin Kelner, who made Dora Dale (Jake in drag) one of the greatest wireless comedy creations since Kenny Everett. Inspired.

Jake proves his huge talent in this summary of BBC Radio 4 – offering something completely brilliant for the intelligentsia to sneer at…..

Let me be clear. At just £9, ‘One-Derland’ is well worth 60 minutes of your time and is packed with clever parodies and good laughs.

Unfortunately, I feel this show is somewhat of a home goal for Yapp as you do not leave the theatre feeling great about the BBC.

As a piece of ‘art’, if you’re going to ‘loveingly’ tear something apart and light the touch paper with quite serious accusations of waste & dodgy dealings – you cannot then backtrack and run for z hills hoping no-one noticed.

Finally, to end the show slagging off others who professionally ridicule and expose the BBC, it is a little rich, churlish and somewhat audacious to say the least. I’d drop that bit and move on quickly if I were you!

No wonderland Jake is so popular within the walls of New BH. As Yapp points out, Aunty doesn’t care about gross double standards…..

I’d leave the Oprah style ‘take away’ to the Guardian if I were the Yapp’s.

5* value, 4* performance for Onederland @ Camden Festival until the 23rd August 2015.


Review by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio 17th August 2015.