Benihana Japanese Restaurant Review Las Vegas

Benihana Japanese Restaurant is the international powerhouse of Japanese cuisine. With over 116 restaurants around the world, Benihana has never been more popular.

Originating in New York, this Florida based restaurant chain has been at the LVH for over 30 years.

The Las Vegas Hilton is the home of legends, Elvis performed here more than anywhere else in the world so naturally, this property needs a world class eatery. Benihana is 50 years old in 2014.

It’s theatre. It’s fun. It’s delicious.

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Enjoy an Exclusive review by Alex Belfield at Celebrity Radio with pictures, video and audio via YouTube:

So why is Benihana still the talk of the town after half a decade?

It’s interactive. You sit at table of 8 people, you meet new friends and chef cooks your dinner in front of you.

Here’s Chef at work….

It’s totally unique and very fun. The chefs are all personalities and relax the table immediately.

With jokes and endless tricks – this is the perfect restaurant if you’ve ran out of things to say to your partner.

There’s no time to get bored at Benihana’s.

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This is a fine dining restaurant but it would be great for (well behaved) children.

I’m sure, like the adults, children would love the legendary ‘volcano’ trick and many culinary jokes from Chef.

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To begin the house offers a Japanese soup and you get a salad with your meal. A nice touch within the price of your entrée.

I tried the scallops which were expertly cooked as well as the lemon chicken.

This is not ‘Chinese Fast Food’ – the ingredients are some of the best I’ve tasted and everything is obviously cooked fresh.

The theatre of the meal is certainly the most exciting, watching the reaction from the guests around the table.

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You finish your meal with complimentary ice-cream.

Once chef has finished cooking he leaves to eat quietly and enjoy the flavours created in front of your eyes.

This restaurant is an interactive experience. If you don’t like people or communal eating, this is not for you!

However, if you love Japanese cuisine and one of the most high energy, fun and delicious menu’s – you’ll love Benihana.

Review by Alex Belfield for May 20th 2014.