New Jersey Boys Movie 2014 Exclusive Frankie Valli Interview

Enjoy Celebrity Radio’s New Jersey Boys Movie review and Exclusive Frankie Valli Interview…..

The Jersey Boys Movie is the musical cinema event for 2014.

Released in June 2014, this film was beautifully performed and perfectly written. A thrilling two hours in the cinema.

Telling the story of Frankie Valli and Four Seasons, this musical biography drama directed by Clint Eastwood is based on the Tony Award-winning musical Jersey Boys.

The film tells the story of the ups and down musical group The Four Seasons. It’s all about the hand shake!

It’s a story of integrity, friendship, honour, pride, love and laughs…..

Jersey Boys Movie Exclusive preview trailer interview John lloyd young and alex belfield 2 Jersey Boys Movie Trailer and review interview with Alex Belfield at Jersey Boys Movie Exclusive preview trailer interview John lloyd young and alex belfield

If the movie is half as good as the Live show it will be a mega-hit!

With songs including ‘Can’t Take My Eye’s Off You’, ‘Sherrie’, ‘Walk Like A Man’ & ‘My eye’s adore you’ – you cannot fail to love this show.

Alex was honoured to talk to John Lloyd Young who plays Frankie Valli in a rare and Exclusive interview from the new movie:

Here’s Alex Belfield with Frankie Valli and Bob Gaudio:

Frankie Valli & Bob Gaudio BBC Interview & Life Story Four Seasons with Alex Belfield @

Here’s the official Jersey Boys movie trailer:

Belfield was so thrilled to meet the Four Seasons Stars Frankie Valli & Bob Gaudio in Las Vegas…..

Updated June 2014 by Alex Belfield for Celebrity Radio.